How our school supports the social and educational needs of EAL learners:

  1. Where appropriate an induction plan is created for new arrivals  including collection of background information.
  • We have flexible approach that makes use of a range of strategies to create an  plan to suit individual need.  This may include: transitional visits ahead of starting; staff introductions; class informed of new arrival; pupil interests shared with classroom staff; buddy system; playground monitoring.
  1. Clear Assessment and monitoring of additional language acquisition.
  • Class teacher observations and school assessment systems are used to monitor progress regularly.
  1. Inclusive planning
  • The needs of EAL pupils are considered carefully by  teachers at the planning stage.  Consideration is given to how culturally different/similar the lesson content is for the bilingual pupil.  Staff consider what prior knowledge is needed to access the lesson and when this is not in place then ‘pre-teaching’ is used to familiarise the learner e.g. European fairy tales.
  • Consideration is also given to maximise the opportunities when the pupil’s background can be represented in the curriculum or where the use of their first language can be facilitated.
  • Most learners needs are met through good Quality First Teaching (QFT)  strategies e.g. Pupil placed  where they can easily see the board and have eye contact with the teacher; visual labels on trays/cupboards; visual timetables; visual prompts to support teaching; talk partners; instructions clear with plenty of repetition; graphic organisers to support writing.  
  • Some pupils may need more support   e.g. pre-teaching vocabulary and language structures for the forthcoming lessons; role play to consolidate teacher talk, additional English and Maths support.
  1. Teaching strategies which encourage talk and participation
  • Talk for learning is fundamental to our school ethos.Classes make regular use of talk partners; role play and drama and collaborative learning.
  • Good language role models are created through careful groupings with peers.