Remote Learning Offer

All of your learning has moved to our Virtual Learning Environment (VLE). This can be accessed from the key icon in the top right corner of the school’s webpage, where it says ‘login’. You will need the user name and password that was emailed to you.

Each lesson your teachers have created is called a ‘project’. When you click on the project (which is in the ‘my class’ tab) you will see any resources needed for that lesson, often including a video of a teacher explaining the lesson.

If you have any questions then a lot of how things work are explained here

If you have problems, you can use the site to send messages to your teachers, like an email. You will need to go to the ‘me’ tab, and then click ‘new message’. Type your teachers name into the ‘to’ box and they should appear in a list that you can choose from.

Your adult can also email Mr Dellow if there are other questions or if you are having problems accessing the VLE. His email address is

Other information and links which are in the letter below are still relevant and might help you, particularly with your daily exercise.  

We all hope that you enjoy using the VLE and continue to work hard at your learning during this unusual time.